‘Do not insult us’: The Esk demands that Farhad Moshiri leave Everton now after his takeover plans emerge

Everton fans, when they were bought by Farhad Moshiri, understandably sang of their newfound riches.

After all, they had gone so many years without the huge financial backing this Iranian billionaire promised, and so a fresh start was in the offing.

However, inkeeping with the misery and mediocrity that the Toffees have become known for, this proved to be nothing more than a false dawn, and now those celebrations are tainted with the failure that has followed.

Fortunately, Moshiri’s time at the club is coming to an end, but not before he seems set to make one final mistake in selling the club.

The Esk sends message to Farhad Moshiri

Writing on his website, Paul Quinn, better known as The Esk on X, was apoplectic when combing over the latest takeover news.

After all, it has only recently emerged that A-Cap are now frontrunners to take over Everton, despite their ongoing ties to the much-maligned 777 Partners.

Photo by BRUNO FAHY/BELGA MAG/AFP via Getty Images

Given how vocal this finance guru and writer has been in his distaste for the Miami-based firm, who continuously failed to complete a deal with Moshiri, to see an offshoot of this institution emerge as favourites must have him furious.

Well, this was evident in his impassioned rant, which claimed: ‘That’s not a reason, in any sense, why Moshiri should consider A-Cap as suitable, appropriate owners – especially with what is likely to be coming down the track for A-Cap and King.

‘Moshiri has to act in the interests of Everton Football Club, its stakeholders, the City of Liverpool and most importantly its employees and fans. To even entertain or allow King and A-Cap to enter the bidding arena is absurd and a huge insult to the club and Evertonians.

‘We should all, with the utmost force and without equivocation, condemn Moshiri for even suggesting such. He needs to focus on genuine bids, especially those with a local context backed by experienced sports funders and operators.

‘Leave the club Moshiri as quickly as possible, allow us to recover from your ownership and do not insult us with proposals such as King and A-Cap.’

Farhad Moshiri’s time at Everton has been a true failure

Whether it be player transfers, managerial sacking or simple financial decisions, Moshiri really has done it all wrong at Everton.

However, his heart was in the right place when he entered Goodison Park in 2016, promising a brighter future that his finances might have materialised had it been spent well.

And he certainly put that money where his mouth was, investing in Ronald Koeman and his new signings, and then Marco Silva and his subsequent additions too.

But entrusting such a huge sum to those undeserving of such backing hamstrung the club massively, and has left Sean Dyche now picking up the pieces many years later.

Photo by Tony Marshall/Getty Images

What’s worse is that these major failures were further offset by so many minor blunders which piled up, as he failed to provide an open line of communication with fans, and often went to the media with his thoughts on the club.

The Esk is completely right about Moshiri needing to leave. However, he must do so by entrusting the Toffees to someone capable of providing the brighter future he failed to offer.