Newbury burglar Stephen Chandler locked up

A PROLIFIC burglar, caught again, has been locked up to await sentencing.

Stephen Chandler had already clocked up 21 burglaries – 11 home break-ins and 10 of non-dwelling buildings.

Stephen Chandler

On Tuesday, June 11, he appeared in the dock at Reading Crown Court for sentencing for his latest conviction – attempting to burgle a shed in Newbury on October 24 last year.

Surita Basra, prosecuting, said: “This defendant has a long, substantial record of acquisitive crimes.

“This may be because he is someone addicted to drugs.”

Last April the Newbury Weekly News reported how Chandler had been sent back to prison for his offending.

The 50-year-old, who was living at Newtown Road, Newbury, admitted burgling a building in Love Lane, Newbury, and stealing a motorbike.

He denied assaulting a woman and a youth, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, on the same occasion.

But he was convicted of both offences following a trial.

On that occasion Chandler was jailed for six months.

Before that, in 2018, he was jailed for three years for burglary.

However, Tuesday’s latest sentencing hearing was derailed when it emerged that a communication breakdown meant no defence barrister was present to mitigate for Chandler.

Ms Basra pointed out that Chandler was due back in Reading Crown Court in July for a more serious matter and suggested sentencing be adjourned until after the outcome of that.

Judge Heather Nott concurred.

She meanwhile denied Chandler bail and remanded him in custody.