Dem shames Republicans to their faces after they 'hung out with a felon' at Trump meeting

House Judiciary Committee/screen grab

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) cast shame on Republican members of Congress after they "hung out with a felon" by meeting with Donald Trump.

During a Thursday House Judiciary Committee hearing, Swalwell alluded to Trump's visit with Republican lawmakers earlier in the day. The hearing sought to examine Trump's hush money conviction in New York.

"Just a show of hands for anyone in the room who hung out with a felon today," Swalwell began. "Hey guys, probably want to get your hands up if you're hanging out with convicted felon Donald Trump. I don't think anyone on our side did, but that's why we're here."

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No Republicans raised their hands.

Swalwell pointed out that convicted felons could not hold security clearances, serve in the military, or visit many countries. Trump would also not be allowed to meet with other convicted criminals, such as campaign adviser Roger Stone or strategist Steve Bannon.

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"But this is the person who you all chose to hang out with this morning, delaying the original start time of our hearing," Swalwell said, "because rather than getting work done for people who need us to work, you chose a felon over helping families."

"We're gonna flip that, and we're gonna choose families over felons," he added.

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