Ottawa boosts Ukraine's arsenal with rockets and drones

Canadian Defence Minister Bill Blair

These rockets, previously used by the Royal Canadian Air Force, have undergone safety assessments over recent months. While specifics were not disclosed, it was noted that several warheads would also be sent at a later date.

In addition to the rockets, Canada will dispatch 29 German-made Rheinmetall remotely controlled weapon stations that can be mounted on various light armored vehicles. The shipment will also include the first four of 50 new armored vehicles, 130,000 rounds of small arms ammunition, and the initial batch of 900 drones destined for Ukraine in the upcoming weeks, according to a spokesperson for Blair.

Earlier, on May 29, Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly stated that Ottawa has not imposed any restrictions on how Ukraine may use the provided weapons, including against targets inside Russia.

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Section: Nation

Author: Андрій Журба