Why it’s good Trump is 'back in the limelight and out of the courtroom': conservative

Sarah Longwell, political strategist and publisher of The Bulwark. Image via screengrab.

During a conversation with MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace Thursday, Bulwark publisher and "Republican Voters Against Trump" founder Sarah Longwell explained why she's thrilled that former President Donald Trump is no longer in the courtroom — for now — and back on the campaign trail.

Comments the ex-president allegedly made six years ago resurfaced last week when President Joe Biden's campaign published an ad highlighting Trump's disregard for the US military.

Speaking with senior staffers ahead of Trump's scheduled visit to France's Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in 2018, the former president said: "Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers."

READ MORE: Trump called military personnel 'suckers' and 'losers'--and now he's fighting to disenfranchise them

During the same trip, he called "more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as 'suckers' for getting killed," according to The Atlantic.

Longwell suggests those types of remarks will remind America exactly who Trump is.

"The Trump campaign, because I think they are trying to win, despite the way Trump has no interest in inviting Nikki Haley voters back into the tent, the campaign is trying to figure out how to win, and they know things like 'suckers and losers' are one of the things that are a big liability for Trump," Longwell said. "And we hear that from swing voters all the time. "I think it is the fact that Trump did this is not penetrated super deeply, but for high information voters, who are still center right, that's one of the things they bring up pretty often in the focus groups, is that Trump sort of smears against soldiers — the fact that he sounds like a crazy person when he talks."

The conservative political strategist continued, "I am actually glad, I have to say, to have trump back in the limelight and out of the courtroom. Because I think that the way that Joe Biden wins this election, in many ways, is going to be about people remembering why they dislike Donald Trump so much. We talk about the double haters a lot. But I think it is important for people to understand that the voters actually don't hate Joe Biden. They think he's too old and they're not huge fans."

READ MORE: Watch: Conservative lays out the disturbing reason behind Trump’s 'deep disrespect for the military'

Longwell emphasized, "But they do hate Trump, and when they see Trump and they see him behaving this way, they remember, 'Oh, yeah, he's a global embarrassment to the United States. He's not a smart person. This person shouldn't be within a thousand feet of the White House. Not the least of which the Capitol because he fomented an attack on it. And so, good, Donald Trump, get out there, Be Trump. Remind America of who you are. And let's hope that America rejects you again, like they did last time in 2020."

Watch the video below or at this link.

Why it’s good Trump is 'back in the limelight and out of the courtroom': conservative youtu.be

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