'Trump doesn't like America' and his voters want 'to burn things down': Ex-GOP pollster

Trump supporters at Stop the Steal rally outside Minnesota State Capitol. (Photo credit: Chad Davis)

Former Republican pollster Sarah Longwell on Friday offered a blunt assessment of Trump supporters' goals for trying to put him back into the White House in the 2024 presidential election.

Appearing on CNN Friday, Longwell slammed Republican politicians for abasing themselves before the former president on Tuesday, but then suggested that the ultimate blame for this rests upon the GOP primary electorate.

"This is what Republican voters have chosen," she said. "I talk to Republican voters all the time in the focus groups and there was and is and remains a sort of 30 percent group of people who want to move on from Trump, but the other 60 percent are either hardcore Trumpers or, like, very fine with Trump."

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Nonetheless, she could not help but heap scorn on GOP lawmakers who kissed up to Trump even though many privately believe he's completely unfit for the presidency.

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"Watching them fall all over him is embarrassing for them," she said. "I want the Republican Party to be relegated to a rump party because of sustained electoral defeats that is then incentivized to reform itself that is not this dangerous version of what we see today."

However, Longwell said it was hard to imagine the GOP turning back to what it once was given the demands of its voters.

"Donald Trump and this version of the Republican Party does not like America," she said. "The old version of the Republican Party did like America, they thought it was great, they wanted to help other places in the world become functional democracies like America was, but Donald Trump doesn't like America and these voters want to burn things down and Trump is their chaos agent to do it."

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'Trump doesn't like America' and his voters want 'to burn things down' Ex GOP pollster www.youtube.com

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