Developer should pay for healthcare if new homes get go-ahead on Chatteris site

A developer needs to pay for extra GP capacity before any work starts on building 20 new homes in a Fenland town.

That is the opinion of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care Services (CAPICS) on an application by Beauville Properties Ltd to build 20 homes on land south of 116 to 120 New Road in Chatteris.

The healthcare provider said the homes would put increased demand on the George Clare Surgery – the town’s only GP practice – and that there is not enough capacity to accommodate the extra patients.

The proposed site is outlined in red. Image: Google Earth.

As a result CAPICS wants to see an upfront contribution of £17,194.42 to provide additional GP and nurse cover and to mitigate the cost associated with accommodating the extra staff at the surgery.

CAPICS says the money should be secured through a Section 106 agreement and said: “with the proposal that the sum be used to fund a project which increases clinical capacity at one of the GP Practices in the vicinity of the development, or any project at an alternative premises in the vicinity of the Practices/development which increases primary healthcare capacity.”

A design and access statement drawn up in support of the application explains the site is approximately 0.94 hectares and is located off the eastern end of New Road, just west of the A142 by-pass.

View looking south towards existing trees from site entrance. Image: Image: L Bevens Associates.

The statement drawn up by L Bevens Associates Ltd explains the regular shape of the site has ‘largely’ dictated the proposed road pattern and to ensure that a double sided development is achieved.

It also says: “The proposed development represents an opportunity to make a more efficient use of the site and provide up to twenty new build dwellings in a mixture of modern styles.”

There have been several amendments to the proposal following conversations with highways and others.

View looking north across site towards Green Park. Image: L Bevens Associates.

The statement says: “The existing access to the site, will be removed and a new access will be provided into the site. This access has been discussed with Shane Luck, the highway officer at Cambridgeshire County Council and the access has been revised in accordance with his recommendations.

“The required pedestrian and vehicular visibility splays have been added to the proposed site plan. The position of the access has been carefully considered and after numerous options was felt that the position proposed is the most appropriate location and will provide adequate visibility splays in both directions from the site access.”

View looking towards entrance with New Road. Image: L Bevens Associates.
View looking towards entrance with New Road. Image: L Bevens Associates.
New housing opposite proposed site entrance on New Road. L Bevens Associates.

The statement concludes: “The proposed development for up to 20 dwellings will be of a good architectural quality and has been carefully thought out to provide a quality development that will enhance the character of the immediate area whilst respecting the existing dwellings and residents.”