If you hate the way you look in photos, this dermatologist's analogy will change your mindset

Do you feel like you always look different in photos? You like the way you look in the mirror, but when someone takes a picture, you hate your appearance.

If this is you, you’re not alone. Loads of people hate the way they look in photos, and a dermatologist has some inspiring advice that will change your outlook.

A beautiful brunette woman taking a selfie

Do you hate the way you look in photos?

“If you hate the way you look in pictures, I’m going to share something that a mentor once shared with me and it really changed the way I view photography of myself,” Dr. Samantha Ellis said in a viral TikTok video.

She asked everyone to think of all the beautiful sunsets you have ever seen in your life. When you take a picture of the sky, it never does the sunset justice does it?

“You are the sunset,” she said. “You are beautiful and just because the photo doesn’t do you justice, does not detract from any of that.”

The sunset is still beautiful, it just doesn’t look so in the photo. So, just because you don’t like the way you look through a camera, it doesn’t mean you don’t look pretty.

Analogy will change your mindset

Next time you see a photo of yourself that you don’t like, remember this inspiring analogy and tell yourself that you are still beautiful.

It’s already changing people’s mindsets in the comments, where one person wrote: “This is so true. I end up deleting the sunset photos because the beauty just doesn’t compare to what I actually saw.”

“Omg thank you. I live in Wyoming and always saw ‘This doesn’t do it justice’ when I capture certain photos. Great example,” said another.

A third person added: “Agreed! And sometimes we just need to give the photo a second or third look. Sometimes I need time to adjust to seeing myself.”

“Yes, exactly what came to mind before you even said it. I heard this before and it definitely changed my perspective on pictures of me,” someone else wrote.

Copyright Roman Tsubin

6 tips to build body confidence

If you don’t feel confident in the way you look, Dove has shared six tips to appreciate your body and appearance.

  • Start the day positively: Start your day by giving yourself verbal encouragement. Say something kind to yourself in the mirror and list what you like and appreciate about yourself, no matter how small they seem.
  • Dress to seize the day: The clothes you wear make a huge difference to the way you feel. Wear items that make you feel most comfortable and confident, which is sure to boost your mood and build self-esteem.
  • Avoid comparing yourself: It’s important not to compare yourself to others, as people come in all shapes and sizes and everyone is beautiful. Life would be boring if we all looked the same, so embrace your differences.
  • Compliment yourself: Avoid making negative comments and make an effort to compliment your appearance instead. Being kind to yourself will increase your body confidence and you’ll soon learn to love the way you look.
  • Take care of your body: Taking care of yourself, like eating fruit and vegetables and taking time out for self-care, will do wonders for your self-esteem. How can you like your appearance if you don’t fill your body with good things?
  • Practice gratitude: Don’t get hung up on the negative things, it’s a waste of precious time and energy. Instead, practice gratitude and end each day by reflecting on all the things you are thankful for.

Dr. Samantha Ellis is a board-certified medical and cosmetic dermatologist in the San Francisco Bay Area.