ABC host embarrasses Tim Scott because violent crime 'actually down' under Biden

ABC/screen grab

ABC News host Jonathan Karl fact-checked Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) after he claimed that violent crime was up under Joe Biden's presidency.

During an interview on Sunday, Karl asked Scott if he agreed with the Supreme Court's decision to strike down a ban on bump stocks, which allow some guns to fire more rapidly.

"We trust and believe and respect the decision of the Supreme Court," Scott opined. "What we need to focus on, Jon, is the violence that we're seeing across this nation. Under Joe Biden, we've seen the greatest increase in violent crime in my lifetime."

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Karl pointed out that Scott was in error.

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"Actually, Senator, as you probably know, the latest stats on violent crime and on the murder rate, they're actually down this past year," the host said.

"Under Joe Biden, neighborhoods like the ones I grew up in have never been ravaged [more]," Scott insisted.

Watch the video below from ABC.