Security at ZNPP, access to ports and return of prisoners. Joint statement of peace summit

Peace summit participants adopted a joint declaration (photo: Getty Images)

The participants of the peace summit in Switzerland adopted a joint communiqué. It includes three aspects of the Ukrainian peace formula, reports the Ukrainian President's Office.

The main aspects of the declaration of the first peace summit:

Nuclear safety. Any use of nuclear energy and nuclear facilities must be safe, secure, well-protected, and not harmful to the environment. Ukraine's nuclear power plants and facilities, including the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, must be operated in a safe and secure manner under Ukraine's full sovereign control and in accordance with the IAEA principles and under its supervision.

Any threat or use of nuclear weapons in the context of war in Ukraine is unacceptable.

Access to ports. Global food security depends on the uninterrupted production and supply of food. In this regard, free, full, and safe merchant shipping, as well as access to seaports on the Black and Azov Seas, is essential. Attacks on merchant vessels in ports and along the route, as well as on civilian ports and civilian port infrastructure, are unacceptable.

Food security must never be used as a weapon. Ukrainian agricultural products must be safely and freely supplied to interested third countries.

Return of prisoners. All prisoners of war must be released in full exchange. All deported and illegally displaced Ukrainian children and all other Ukrainian illegally detained civilians should be returned to Ukraine.

First peace summit

On June 15 and 16, the Summit on Peace in Ukraine was held in Switzerland. It was attended by representatives of 100 countries and international organizations.

Despite media reports, the peace summit participants adopted a joint declaration. It was signed by 80 states and four organizations. Among those who did not sign the communiqué were Saudi Arabia, Thailand, India, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil, and the United Arab Emirates.

As Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba explained, the document will be open. That is, even after the summit is over, the countries will be able to sign the declaration.