Essential dating terms so you don’t look inexperienced on your next date

As if the world of relationships were not complicated enough, modern daters are now expected to understand a range of dating terms like unicorn and dry dating.

Despite the complexities of modern relationships, there has arguably been no better time to get out there thanks to easily accessible information and help.

Just by hopping online can you see top tips from the likes of dating expert Matthew Hussey, who revealed the “most dangerous” part of a relationship in a video in May.

Of course, with a rise in unique dating trends comes the natural increase in jargon, terms, and phrases that almost always require Googling.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with the latest dating terms from 2024.

Credit: Unsplash/Darrell Fraser

Animal-themed boyfriends aren’t as gross as they sound

While the name of this dating trend might evoke feelings of concern, you need not fear, as it’s used to describe animal-like traits in potential boyfriends.

For example, the golden retriever boyfriend was described as a high-energy partner who is seeking someone bold like the black cat girlfriend.

Though dog-themed boyfriends reigned supreme for a few months, with Doberman partners becoming the most popular, the crown was stolen away by rodent boyfriends in June 2024.

What is a Unicorn?

Credit: Unsplash/James Lee

The correct answer, of course, is a mythological horse with a magical horn, but in the world of dating terms, a unicorn has another meaning.

The term has come to describe a person who enters an established relationship as a third person. More often than not, the unicorn is a bisexual woman who joins a heterosexual couple.

Don’t be a victim of Knotting season

Towards the end of May 2024, CEO Nicky Wake warned against the rise of Knotting season. The dating and relationship term is an updated phrase for summer flings, which usually end before the weather cools down.

“The concept is to find someone to loosely ‘knot’ with so you can go on holidays, attend festivals, have romantic picnics in the park, and even accompany you to events during wedding season,” Nicky detailed.

The flag system is a tried and true dating term

If you have access to the internet and you haven’t seen someone referring to an act as a “red flag”, then you are one of the few who aren’t dubbing everything either a green, amber, or red flag.

The dating term draws inspiration from real-world flags, where green naturally means go and red means no.

As such, saying something is a certain color of flag has become an instant signal for its safety and viability.

Examples of first-date red flags from matchmaker Barbie Adler include dwelling on past relationships and not respecting boundaries.

Praise the Black Wife Effect

If you’re feeling unstylish and in desperate need of a glow-up, then podcast host Kolter Bouchard would suggest marrying a Black woman.

He coined the Black Wife Effect dating term in early May, which describes the transformation a white man experiences when married to a Black woman.

“You can’t tell me that’s not an improvement. Do you see this? Call me a leaky ceiling because I got the drip. This one’s just a thirst trap. The Black Wife effect, give it a Pulitzer,” he shared while showcasing a series of images that demonstrated his magical evolution.

Don’t go into your Soft Guy Era

In May, content creators @scarfacemark and @lilgoodiee said men were done providing for women as they finally understood their worth.

“We all know being a provider in 2024 is a scam. So we don’t care, we’re not doing that anymore. We know that’s old-fashioned, these women got money, these women are working, so they need to contribute,” Scarfacemark said.

Dating coach James Preece later commented on the Soft Guy trend, calling it “more wishful thinking than a real movement.”

Seeding was a more problematic dating term in 2024

Keeping with the controversial trend, some took issue with two content creators after they put forward the idea of seeding. On their podcast, Far East Confessions, hosts Will and Emil explained that seeding is about planting a seed of interest in your potential date.

“Let’s say you find out that the guy really likes dogs. You plant a little seed or thought, saying, ‘Oh, I’ll send you a cute picture of a dog every time I see one’,” they said.

“So you planted that there already, now when you open the conversation, when you try to talk to them, send them a photo of a dog first and then it’s not awkward.”

Breadcrumbing is just as manipulative

Much like seeding, Breadcrumbing is a controversial dating term that sees a person leave breadcrumbs for their potential partner to follow. Usually, these breadcrumbs lead nowhere and it’s just to keep you hooked and attentive.

Experts have since dubbed the trend as dangerous, with some saying it is yet another form of manipulation.

Participants reported great results from Boy Sober

As you might expect, the dating term boy sober is used to describe someone who is actively avoiding the dating scene. It was created by comedian Hope Woodard, who issued rules like no dating apps, no dates, no exes, and no hookups with men.

People reported promising results, with our own Chaitra Krishnamurthy stating she felt more confident than ever. The term was also compared to the feminist 4B movement in South Korea.

Who knows someone with Office Goggles?

While we’ve all heard of beer goggles, which are described as finding someone attractive because you are drunk, office goggles was a term dreamt up on TikTok.

“One person in the office who you would never look twice at had you met them under normal circumstances, but for some reason, being in the office, they are a sex god,” podcast host Molly said in March 2024.

“They are everything you have ever looked for in a partner and more.”

Jacob Elordi had everyone wanting to be ‘So Babygirl’

Initially coined in 2021, the So Babygirl dating term was evoked when actor Jacob Elordi appeared on Saturday Night Live with musical guest Reneé Rapp.

At the time, SNL cast member Bowen Yang confessed: “Reneé, you were so right, he is so baby girl.”

Following the viral moment, the So Babygirl phrase popped up across the internet, coming to encapsulate a man who embraces his femininity with pride.

Dry Dating was the healthiest trend of the year

At the start of 2024, when millions were undertaking Dry January as part of New Year’s resolutions, some chose to take the trend one step further with dry dating.

The move was a direct result of changing attitudes towards alcohol and the effect it can have over a long period.

“Dates were starting to become more about where and what we’d drink,” the UK’s Nina earlier told us. “I would wake up in the morning and have a hard time thinking about the date beyond being drunk and having fun.