'If you're explaining, you're losing': Ex-GOP adviser busts Trump for new 'asinine' claim

Donald Trump (Photo by Nicholas Kamm for AFP)

Donald Trump's claim that he can't be a racist because he has "Black friends" was laughed off by former Republican party campaign adviser Tara Seymayer during an appearance on MSNBC on Sunday morning.

Speaking with fill-in host Melissa Murray, Setmayer explained that the very fact that the former president felt the need to address the racism issue is bad news and that his answer made it worse.

"We have said this many times before about how asinine this is coming out of Donald Trump's mouth," she told the host. "If you have to say 'I am not a racist,' trust me, if you're explaining, you're losing. There is a reason people feel this way."

"It starts at the beginning of his business career when he was sued for racial discrimination housing back in New York in the 70s," she elaborated. "And his consistent racism and bigotry throughout decades of his career, it's evident whether it was the books that were written about how he treated black employees at his casinos, whether it was about the Barack Obama birther theories or whether it was about his presidency calling immigrants from African countries 'sh--hole countries.'"

"Whether it was about his treatment of election workers, let's remember [Georgia poll workers] Ruby Freeman and Shaye Mossand what MAGA and Trump did to them? Why don't we ask those folks?"

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