'Preposterous lies': Ex-GOP insider torches Trump's 'completely fake' Detroit church stunt

DETROIT, MICHIGAN - JUNE 15: Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump joins community leaders for a roundtable discussion at the 180 Church on June 15, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. The event is one of two the former president is scheduled to attend while in Detroit today. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Former President Donald Trump over the weekend had a roundtable discussion at a predominantly Black church in Detroit that raised eyebrows because photos showed that white people made up the vast majority of people in the audience.

This drew the attention of former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum, who told CNN on Monday that the stunt revealed a very soft underbelly in polls showing increasing Black support for Trump.

"He created a completely fake media event, he rented a church, he bussed in people who were wearing not church clothes but rally clothes, they were obviously not locals," he said. "You don't have to do that if you have support."

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However, Frum said that it wasn't just the demographics on display at the event that should draw criticism but the many lies that Trump told about crime in the United States.

"He told a series of preposterous lies," he said. "Detroit... is having a magnificent turnaround. First population growth in half a century. Lowest homicides in half a century... Detroit is now a magnet for attracting new artists. Detroit is a great American turnaround story. So when you have to tell so many lies, when you have to bus in people, it tells me you probably don't have a lot of indigenous support in that town."

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Later in the panel, Frum shredded Trump for claiming that American cities are overrun by crime despite the fact that crime has decreased significantly since he left the White House back in 2021.

"Donald Trump's genius is... that he's the world's leading marketer of crap products," said Frum. "Anybody can sell a good steak, he sells a terrible steak. Anyone can sell a good vodka, he sells a terrible vodka. And he's doing that now: The guy who presided over the steepest increase in crime since the '60s is saying, 'Vote for me, I'm anti-crime.'"

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'Preposterous lies'" David Frum torches Trump's Detroit church stunt www.youtube.com

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