'Hoax!' Fox's Jesse Watters caught backtracking after celebrating Trump threats

News headlines on the impeachment trial of Donald Trump are displayed outside of the Fox headquarters on Feb. 9, 2021, in New York. - Spencer Platt/Getty Images North America/TNS

A Fox News host who championed Donald Trump's political threats of retribution has been caught trying to claim reports of the former president's promised "revenge tour" are a hoax.

The watchdog group Media Matters on Monday issued a ruthless fact check on pro-Trump Jesse Watters and his conflicting commentary on the controversial presumptive Republican presidential nominee's rhetoric of revenge.

"Following the lead of his fellow pro-Trump media sycophants, Watters is currently downplaying the former president’s well-documented calls for political retribution in an apparent attempt to undermine the Biden campaign’s characterization of Trump as a would-be authoritarian," Media Matters reports.

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Watters' message relies on the phrase "revenge through success" which he has oft repeated on air, as recently as June 12 in a segment that included the graphic caption “revenge hoax," Media Matters reports.

This message stands in stark contrast to the commentary Watters delivered on the heels of special counsel Jack Smith's election interference indictment against Trump in August 2023, when he took to the airwaves to make promises on Trump's behalf.

“Don't you think for a second he's not going to unleash hell on all of his political enemies,” Watters told Fox News viewers. “This is only the beginning of politicians putting other politicians and their families in prison."

Watters upped the ante on Aug. 2 with promises of Trump's “revenge tour” when he would be “out for blood” of political enemies (and their families) who would be "legally assaulted."

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The Fox News host even suggested American laws would be changed to allow Trump to enact this campaign of revenge upon reclaiming the White House in 2025, Media Matters reports.

“Scream and holler all you want," Watters reportedly told viewers. "You better believe it’s open season.”

Media Matters found at least six examples of Watters celebrating Trump's promises of retribution against political foes and non-conservative news sources.

"Watters continued to tease Trump’s inevitable retribution. He also celebrated Trump’s threats to execute Gen. Mark Milley and revoke news networks’ broadcast licenses, saying: 'The revenge tour is in full swing,'" Media Matters reports.

This leaves Watters with a problem, the watchdog report concludes: "If Trump continues to jockey for retribution in public – as he likely will – Watters will have to continue to cry 'hoax.'”

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