Netherlands seeks to resolve NATO deadlock with Hungary over Ukraine

Mark Rutte

The discussion has fueled optimism that Hungary's veto of Rutte's nomination as NATO secretary general could be resolved soon.

The meeting, which also revisited last week's dialogue between NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Orban, was described as "productive" by Rutte’s press secretary. "Prime Minister Rutte will confirm in writing to Prime Minister Orban what they discussed. It was a good and frank conversation, and both agreed to focus on the future," a NATO spokesperson added.

A Hungarian government official, however, declined to comment on the discussions.

Sources indicate that Rutte did not apologize for previous remarks made about Orban, which have been a point of contention. This development follows Stoltenberg's affirmation during a June 12 press conference in Budapest that Hungary would neither participate in nor obstruct NATO decisions concerning Ukraine. "I am pleased that today the Prime Minister and I agreed on a modality for Hungary not to participate in NATO support for Ukraine," Stoltenberg stated. He further noted, "No Hungarian representatives will be involved in this activity, and no Hungarian finances will be used to support it."

Stoltenberg also anticipates approval from NATO allies for long-term funding to ensure steady military support for Ukraine at the upcoming NATO summit in Washington, D.C., in July. "The Prime Minister assured me that Hungary will not oppose these efforts and will allow other allies to move forward," he added.

The contention around Rutte's candidacy for NATO Secretary General stems from Hungarian opposition, highlighted by Foreign Affairs Minister Péter Szijjártó on May 27. Szijjártó cited Rutte's alleged past remarks about bringing Hungary “to its knees” as a reason for the opposition. Despite the veto from Hungary, 29 out of 32 NATO member states back Rutte’s nomination.

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Section: Nation

Author: Андрій Журба