Hickathrift House in Marshland St James honours staff for National Carers’ Week

Residents and staff at Hickathrift House care home in Marshland St James, have celebrated National Carers’ Week.

Residents wanted to thank all the wonderful staff, whose hard work and dedication make a real difference to those living in their care.

Carers’ Week is an annual event to raise awareness of caring, highlighting the challenges carers face, and recognising the contribution they make to our residents, families, and communities throughout the UK.

Staff at Hickathrift House enjoy a thank-you afternoon to celebrate National Carers Week.

The theme for Carers’ Week was ‘Putting Carers on the Map’ - to shine a light on all those who work tirelessly behind the scenes to care for vulnerable people in our communities.

Staff were treated to a thank you event with delicious refreshments and speeches from the general manager, Paula Colman. Head of activities, Kat Colangelo put together a wonderful spread of pastries for everyone to enjoy.

Before the event, residents, their loved ones, and other staff members created a gratitude tree full of memories and thank-you notes that carers read out.

Staff at Hickathrift House enjoy a thank-you afternoon to celebrate National Carers Week.

Residents also gave thanks by giving handmade cards and raising a glass to the carers as a thank you for all they do.

Paula said: “It is so wonderful to be able to celebrate Carers’ Week and thank our spectacular carers with an afternoon celebration in our cafe. We have an incredible team at Hickathrift House and I feel it is very important to share our appreciation for all they do. Everyone has had such a fantastic day.”

Barrie Bushnell, the resident ambassador at Hickathrift House commented: “We’ve all had such a lovely time today, it is a joy to be able to thank our wonderful carers for all that they do. They really are heaven-sent.”

On June 27 Hickathrift House Care Home is hosting a Carer’s Cafe from 10.0am - 12pm. The event is for local carers to visit and discuss care and life enrichment for their loved ones with the specialist team at Hickathrift House.

Pupils from the local school, Marshland St James VC Primary School and Nursery, will be singing several songs as an additional treat for all those who attend.