Russian soldiers behead Ukrainian defender in Donetsk region - Prosecutor General of Ukraine

Photo: Andriy Kostin, Prosecutor General of Ukraine (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Russian soldiers brutally killed a Ukrainian soldier in the Donetsk region. They beheaded him, according to Ukrainian Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin.

According to him, Ukraine received information that Russian commanders ordered their soldiers not to take Ukrainian military personnel as prisoners of war but instead to kill them by beheading.

"The fact of beheading a Ukrainian defender has been documented in Donetsk region," Kostin added.

He emphasized that this is further evidence that war crimes committed by Russians are not isolated incidents but rather a strategy of the Russian regime.

Kostin disclosed that such criminal orders were issued at the battalion and company leadership levels of the Russian forces.

The Prosecutor General urged that such cases should not go unpunished.

Executions of Ukrainian soldiers

Several weeks ago, Kostin revealed that law enforcement agencies are investigating 61 executions of Ukrainian prisoners of war carried out by Russians.

Specifically, on February 20, it became known that Russian soldiers executed several Ukrainian prisoners of war near the village of Robotyne in the Zaporizhzhia region.