Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer visits West Berkshire on General Election campaign trail

The leader of the Labour Party Sir Keir Starmer visited West Berkshire today (Tuesday) in the latest stop on his General Election campaign trail.

He appeared outside the cricket pavilion at Douai Park in Woolhampton on a sunny afternoon to offer his support to Olivia Bailey, the Labour candidate for the newly formed constituency of Reading West and Mid Berkshire.

Sir Keir Starmer leader of the Labour Party at Douai Park in Woolhampton
Sir Keir Starmer leader of the Labour Party at Douai Park in Woolhampton with Reading West and Mid Berkshire candidate Olivia Bailey

Sir Keir was welcomed by a crowd of around 100 Labour supporters, several of them brandishing red placards with the words “Change” emblazoned on them.

In his speech he stated it was “incredible to be here, for what I hope will be a summer of change, of real change”.

The Labour leader began by praising Ms Bailey and said: “She is a brilliant candidate here, and will be an even more brilliant MP when we get that over the line on July 4.”

Sir Keir Starmer leader of the Labour Party at Douai Park in Woolhampton
Sir Keir Starmer leader of the Labour Party at Douai Park in Woolhampton with Reading West and Mid Berkshire candidate Olivia Bailey

He then went on to outline Labour’s vision for the country if he were to be made Prime Minister next month.

Sir Keir said: “Things are so broken in this country.

“The country is looking to us to provide change and they want us to get on with it from day one so we can get on with that work of rebuilding our NHS, getting those appointments so we can get waiting lists down.

Sir Keir Starmer leader of the Labour Party at Douai Park in Woolhampton
Sir Keir Starmer leader of the Labour Party at Douai Park in Woolhampton

“Making sure we’ve got the teachers in our secondary schools to give every person the best chance wherever they are, whatever their background.

“Making sure we’ve got the police to crack down on anti-social behaviour. Great British Energy, you name it, we’ve got the first steps that we will be getting on from day one to deliver the change that this country so desperately needs.”

He reminded his party’s supporters that “every fight is an individual fight in an individual constituency where every vote matters” and that “if you want change, you have to vote for it”.

Sir Keir Starmer leader of the Labour Party at Douai Park in Woolhampton with Reading West and Mid Berkshire candidate Olivia Bailey

Sir Keir also had a message for those who hadn’t yet decided who they would cast their vote for on July 4.

He said: “Imagine five more years of the Tories. After 14 years of chaos, decline and failure, where nobody can answer the question ‘what is actually better now than 14 years ago?’”

After his speech, the PM hopeful spent around half an hour speaking to his supporters before heading off back on the trail.