Miami-Dade Judge Could Face Reprimand

Judge With Gavel (File)

A Miami-Dade County circuit judge could face a public reprimand after an investigation concluded that he improperly commented on a motion to disqualify him from a case.

An investigative panel of the Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission recommended a reprimand for Circuit Judge Alberto Milian, according to documents posted Monday on the Florida Supreme Court website.

The panel said Milian violated a judicial rule last year when he disputed allegations that were part of a motion for disqualification. Milian also faced a similar accusation because of a 2016 incident.

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The panel’s recommendation said that when a judge comments on allegations in a motion to disqualify, “it ultimately places the judge in an adversarial position to the party, litigant, or lawyer filing the motion.”

One of the documents posted Monday, known as a stipulation, said Milian agreed that the alleged conduct was “inappropriate and should not have occurred” and that he took responsibility.

The Supreme Court has ultimate disciplinary authority over judges.

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