Prince Harry could write another 'scandalous' memoir for a 'hefty advance', AI bot predicts

An artificial intelligence bot has predicted what jobs the Royal Family would have if their lineage had not landed them on the list of succession for the throne, with Prince Harry ditching his mental health gig for another scandalous memoir.

For literal decades, the British public has heavily debated the validity of the Royal Family in the modern age. Though some would do away with the institution, others have argued that the Royal Family is the most iconic part of Great Britain. Still, it’s always fun to imagine what their lives would be like without the charity events, polo matches, and royal engagements like Trooping the Colour.

Credit: Unsplash/Ferdinand Stöhr

Prince Harry is hitting the headlines

Considering their sway and power in 2024, it’s unlikely that the Royal Family will find themselves on the streets of London looking for work anytime soon. Even if the British public abolished the monarchy, most of them would undoubtedly choose a Harry and Meghan-style career change over working in their local grocery store.

In the hopes of peering through the crystal ball and into what could be in store for them if The Firm vanished tomorrow, we spoke with the most controversial tech advancement in recent years, ChatGPT. This is what it suggested each royal could do to make ends meet if they no longer had a duty to their country.

“Harry could write a series of scandalous tell-all books, airing the royal family’s dirty laundry and spilling all the tea for a hefty advance,” the bot told us when we asked about what jobs the royal family would have.

Considering the success of Prince Harry’s first book, Spare, and the controversy that surrounded it, the dad-of-two might be giving his quill a break.

Meghan Markle is on the right path

When we asked ChatGPT about what job Meghan Markle would have, the bot shadily suggested she become a “lifestyle Guru with a Side of Spite.”

Since her dramatic exit from the UK, Meghan has gone on to do a number of things. Ironically, one of those things is setting up a lifestyle brand, which some have suggested she is not qualified for.

Prince William’s true skills lie in parenting

When you take into account the fact that Prince William is a former RAF search and rescue pilot, it makes sense that ChatpGPT would push him towards becoming a “Helicopter Dad for Hire.”

“William could offer his overprotective parenting services to other high-profile families, ensuring their kids are supervised to the point of absurdity,” the bot said.

Kate Middleton making big bucks in beauty

If the Royal Family were to ever collapse, then ChatpGPT could see the future Queen, Kate Middleton, becoming a skincare sales representative for a pyramid scheme.

The bot joked: “Kate could join a multi-level marketing (MLM) company, hosting lavish parties to sell overpriced skincare products, all while insisting they’re ‘royally approved’.”

King Charles would flex his green thumb

The love King Charles has for the natural world is well documented, which is why ChatGPT suggested he head into the world of veganism as an influencer.

The bot said: “Charles could flood social media with endless posts about his strictly organic, vegan lifestyle, pushing dubious detox teas and questionable green smoothies.”

Queen Camilla working for the tabloids

After years of seeing her face across the various UK tabloids, Queen Camilla will ditch the head of state for a life of headlines as a tabloid psychic.

“Camilla could write a column for a tabloid, predicting scandalous future events in the lives of celebrities and fellow royals, often with hilariously inaccurate results,” the bot told us.

This links back to the Duke of Sussex who alleged Queen Camilla and the royals would ‘leak’ stories about him to the press to keep headlines away from other members of The Firm. Although the claim was scandalous in itself, the palace has never responded to the allegations.

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