All 10 points of Ukraine's Peace Plan on agenda for second Global Summit

Ukraine's deputy presidential chief-of-staff Ihor Zhovkva

Experts, ministers, and national security advisors will address each of these points, including the first nine and the tenth, he said.

"This represents the culmination of Ukraine's efforts towards achieving peace and victory," Zhovkva said.

"The tenth point may come into play once we've gone through the first nine. Work on them has not ceased. We have chosen three points to demonstrate the potential for conducting such a summit at a high level."

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy introduced the 10-point Peace Formula at the G20 summit in November 2022. The formula outlines objectives such as restoring Ukraine's territorial integrity, withdrawing Russian troops, releasing all prisoners, establishing a tribunal for those responsible for aggression, and ensuring Ukraine's security. It also encompasses priorities like radiation, nuclear, and energy security, environmental protection, among others.

Global Peace Summit in Switzerland

The Global Peace Summit, initiated by Ukraine took place in Switzerland on June 15-16. About 100 delegations, including 57 heads of state and government from all around the world took part in the summit. Russia has not been invited to the summit. China refused to participate in the event.

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The final communiqué of the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland was signed by 80 countries and four organizations, while some abstained - Saudi Arabia, India, Mexico, Iraq, South Africa, Brazil, and the UAE are among them.

The full text of the Joint Communiqué on the foundations of peace was published on June 16 by the Presidential Office. The draft communique, as reported by Reuters earlier in the day, strongly condemns the full-scale Russian invasion, demands the security and safety of nuclear power plants, calls for the release of prisoners and the return of abducted Ukrainians, and emphasizes the maintenance of safe commercial shipping in the Black and Azov seas.

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Section: Nation

Author: Владислава Топоркова