House Ethics witness delivers investigators stunning testimony against Matt Gaetz

Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida in Phoenix in December 2023 (Gage Skidmore)

The U.S. Department of Justice's (DOJ) sex trafficking investigation of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) ended without any type of indictment of the far-right MAGA congressman, who has vehemently denied doing anything illegal.

However, the House Ethics Committee has recently been probing allegations against Gaetz and has, according to ABC News' Will Steakin, interviewed "numerous women who were witnesses" in the DOJ probe.

"In the interviews, which have previously not been reported, some witnesses have been shown Venmo payments they allegedly received from Gaetz and asked if those payments were for sexual activities, sources said," Steakin reports in an article published on June 19. "Some of the witnesses have been subpoenaed by the Committee while others have agreed to cooperate, according to the sources."

READ MORE: House Ethics Committee expands Matt Gaetz sexual misconduct and drug use probe

Steakin adds, "One woman, who ABC News is not identifying, told the (House Ethics) Committee that a payment from Gaetz was for sex, while others have said they were paid to attend parties that Gaetz also attended and that featured drugs and sex, multiple sources told ABC News."

Steakin notes that Florida-based Joel Leppard confirmed that Gaetz has been cooperating with the Ethics Committee but declined to comment beyond that.

"On Tuesday, (June 18)," according to Steakin, "the House Ethics Committee provided an update on its investigation into Gaetz, detailing in a new statement on Tuesday that after speaking with over a dozen witnesses, issuing 25 subpoenas, and reviewing thousands of documents, the bipartisan panel will continue to review allegations, including that the Florida congressman 'engaged in sexual misconduct and illicit drug use' and that he 'sought to obstruct government investigations of his conduct.'"

The ABC News journalist adds, "The (Ethics) Committee also detailed that it will no longer pursue allegations that Gaetz 'may have shared inappropriate images or videos on the House floor, misused state identification records, converted campaign funds to personal use, and/or accepted a bribe or improper gratuity.'"

READ MORE:How Kevin McCarthy is 'escalating his revenge campaign' against Matt Gaetz

Read ABC News' full report at this link.

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