Police with positive report after high risk Germany-Hungary Euro game

The police cordoned off the scene of the incident with tape. Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

The high risk Euro 2024 match between Germany and Hungary saw no major incidents off the pitch although criminal charges were pressed in 30 cases for offences including the Hitler salute.

Local police said late Wednesday that the charges included assault and offences against explosives laws. It said the Hitler salute, a criminal offence in Germany, was shown by some Hungary fans.

In addition, 12 people were detained when police found protective armament and masking equipment when searching a group of 64 potential German troublemakers.

The Stuttgart game was deemed high risk by local authorities and the ruling body UEFA, mainly due to potential Hungary troublemakers.

A large police force of around 2,500 was present, and fans of the teams were strictly kept apart.

"Our strategy of offensive risk prevention and a fcussed presence worked," the head of the police opeartion, Carsten Höfler, said.

"We were able to remove German hooligans from the game before they committed violent offences. The Hungarian hooligan scene was also on the sidelines today, so that all German and Hungarian fans celebrated a peaceful and fair match."