'Meeting my lawyers': Controversial figure claims he'll try buy Sunderland again amid Louis-Dreyfus criticism

William Storey has kept his name mentioned in Sunderland four the last four years now.

The controversial businessman first emerged on Wearside when Stewart Donald decided to sell the club back in 2020.

Storey is known for being the co-founder of energy drink firm Rich Energy, which previously sponsored Formula One team Haas. However, his company lasted less than a year before their deal was terminated.

Storey then tried to force his way into football, claiming he had ‘significant funding‘ to buy Sunderland and then went onto state he had submitted his bid in August 2020.

There was huge doubt around the legitimacy of his claims, with nothing ever coming of his reported offer.

Kyril Louis-Dreyfus then arrived at the Stadium of Light, but it wasn’t long before the Daily Mail reported that the businessman wanted to buy the club again for a cool £42 million.

It came as no surprise that he failed yet again in his attempts, before moving onto Coventry City and Reading – which also never materialised.

Storey has since been heavily criticised, with a former Sunderland employee labelling him a ‘fantasist’ and explaining how he never came close to purchasing the club.

Photo by Bryn Lennon/Getty Images

William Storey wants to bid for Sunderland for a third time

Black Cats supporters now understand to just ignore Storey’s claims on X, but that hasn’t stopped him from winding them up even further.

Following the criticism towards Louis-Dreyfus and Kristjaan Speakman, the 45-year-old has now said he is once again preparing a bid to take over on Wearside.

Alongside a video of Lincoln’s Inn in London, Storey wrote on X: “A beautiful afternoon in Lincoln’s Inn. Meeting my lawyers reference Sunderland bid.”

Will Kyril Louis-Dreyfus sell up?

Storey’s stories have been doubted since day one, having failed miserably in Formula One already.

The controversial figure tried to give Sunderland fans what they wanted – heaping criticism on both Donald and KLD and promising to give them exactly what they wanted.

It was very obvious that it was all just fantasy though, and he just seems to want a reaction on social media at this point.

KLD has had a really tough year at Sunderland and has rightfully come under scrutiny, but it doesn’t feel like he’s going to sell up anytime soon and it certainly won’t be to Storey.

The first step for the Black Cats is to offload Speakman, as he still seems to be the main problem.

If the issues continue after that, then the pressure will pile onto the 27-year-old owner.