Overflowing sewage in South Park, Armstrong Road leaks onto footpath and grass

An overflowing sewer spilled over at a popular park.

Waste could be seen leaking from a drain onto the footpath and grass at South Park in Armstrong Road, Maidstone.

The sewage spilt onto the footpath and grass. Picture: Mark Deakin

The issue was first spotted early last week with some reporting a smell coming from the area.

Maidstone council said it was aware of the issue and had arranged for a jetting crew to attend the site.

Southern Water was also at the scene.

They confirmed a rag was the cause of the leak.

A spokesperson for the utility company said: “Our teams attended South Park, Maidstone following reports of an overflowing manhole.

A sewer in South Park in Maidstone was overflowing. Picture: Mark Deakin

“We located the issue, which was a blockage caused by unflushable materials.

“This was quickly cleared, we’re sorry for any disruption this caused residents in the area.”