Rare cancer symptom appears when you drink alcohol, hematologist warns

According to a hematologist, there is a rare cancer symptom that can appear when you drink alcohol. While it is common for a hangover to disturb the way you feel after alcohol consumption, if you are experiencing discomfort in the process of drinking, then this could be a problem.

Dr Graham Collins, a Consultant Hematologist has warned people about the symptoms of lymphoma cancer and how drinking alcohol can inflict pain when combined with it.

Cancer symptom occurs after drinking

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In rare events, a particular type of cancer known as Lymphoma cancer can trigger symptoms when consuming alcohol.

Lymphoma cancer is a blood cancer that affects the immune system, and is the most common cancer in teenagers and young adults.

Alcohol-induced pain that can occur when people with Lymphoma drink alcohol is felt in the lymph nodes, which are glands that are commonly found in the neck, armpit and groin.

A consultant hematologist at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust named Dr Graham Collins states that lymph glands are “packed with abnormal cells” when there is cancer.

The hematologist explained: “Alcohol can relax blood vessels which may lead to a further increase in pressure within the lymph nodes putting a strain on the surrounding capsule and causing pain.”

Additionally, the lymph nodes may already be swollen, achy and painful.

Your doctor can help you determine whether your alcohol-induced pain is related to lymphoma, and tests for lymphoma can be done using blood samples, lymph node biopsies, scans, and general health and infection screening.

Lymphoma symptoms and treatments

Lymphoma symptoms can include painless swellings in your neck, collarbone, armpit, groin or other parts of the body. Some swollen lymph nodes can press on organs and cause pain in your chest, coughing, breathlessness, or pain in your stomach area.

Other lymphoma symptoms include a fever (high temperature), unexpected weight loss and heavy sweats during the night.

There are around 60 different types of lymphoma, which are grouped into Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Alcohol-related symptoms are seen in those with Hodgkin lymphoma.

Alcohol and lymphoma can be a painful mix, even the smallest amount of alcohol can trigger pain, which is reported to vary from ‘aching’ to ‘stabbing’, and the intensity ranges from mild to unbearable.

Healthline states that not everyone with Hodgkin lymphoma will experience increased pain after consuming alcohol – females and those with nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma may be the most affected.

Case studies indicate that alcohol-induced lymphoma pain occurs in regions where the lymphoma is already present. In rare cases, alcohol-induced pain may be a symptom of undiagnosed lymphoma.

Lymphoma cancer is nearly always treatable, and most people live for many years after being diagnosed.

Blood Cancer UK states) that lymphoma treatments can vary depending on the type of lymphoma you have, how far it has spread (its stage) and whether symptoms occur. Lymphoma treatments include chemotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted therapies.

Dr Graham Collins is Associate Professor of Haematology at Oxford University and Lead of the Haematology and Lymphoma service at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

In the US, contact Cancer Care at 800‑813‑HOPE (4673) or visit this link, info@cancercare.org. You can also call the American Cancer Society on 1-800-227-234 or visit their website (Find Support Programs and Services in Your Area).