Man shoots and kills neighbor who complained after U-Haul wrecked his balcony: police

Police Tape (AFP)

A Florida man crashed a U-Haul into his new neighbor's balcony — then shot him five times when he came to see what was going on, according to criminal charges.

Law&Crime reported that Christian Freebourn has been charged with second-degree murder. The website reported that neighbor, Herbert Harris, came outside to survey the damage after the crash and told Freebourn he must pay for it.

Prosecutors allege in court documents that the victim was upset and argued with Freebourn, who told Harris to go back inside.

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Harris shouted back, "Make me!" He then "squared" himself and took a step toward Freebourn, according to the report.

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Freebourn reportedly told Harris, "Please don't do this. I have a firearm. I have a concealed weapon permit. I don't want to do this."

Harris allegedly told Freebourn that he, too, had a gun and took another step toward Freebourn. The defendant said that he didn't see a firearm.

The shooter then said that Harris came toward him with his arms in the air "in a 'bear hug' like motion." Freebourn opened fire shooting Harris once in his eye, twice in the neck, and once in his leg and upper chest, according to the criminal complaint.

Harris's girlfriend was with him in the home when the U-Haul hit it. She said the couple heard a loud crash, looked out the window, and saw the moving truck. The U-Haul then moved into a parking spot.

Freeborn, who was with his teenaged brother, said that the incident was an accident but that Harris wouldn't calm down, and he was forced to shoot in self-defense.

"Stand Your Ground" laws in Florida allow shooters the ability to use deadly force in self-defense.

He also told police he was "concerned" that he couldn't hold his own in a physical altercation with Harris, who was larger.

Freebourn, "Never advised he was in fear for his life due to the victim’s actions," prosecutors said.

The teen brother was in the moving truck at the time and told police he didn't see what happened

Read the full report at Law&Crime.

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