3 powerful comebacks that'll make anyone regret insulting you, says life coach

It’s never nice to be on the receiving end of an insult. We live in a dog-eat-dog world. People say or do anything as long as it serves them well.

But that doesn’t mean you aren’t worthy of respect. So a life coach shares three powerful comebacks you can use to clap back at someone trying to put you down.


3 comebacks that’ll always work

Psychologist and life coach Francesca reveals three things to do when someone is rude or insulting toward you. The comebacks are so good that the person will instantly regret verbally attacking you.

Don’t say anything

Most of the time, the person responsible for insulting you expects a reaction to stroke their ego. But, remaining silent and not letting the snarky remarks affect you – because you’re more than what they say – will make the person question their decision to come at you.

You can either choose to look away or simply laugh it off, without giving your attacker the satisfaction of affecting you. This will also protect your mental peace.

Use it against them

If you can’t turn a deaf ear to the negative comments about you, then learn to accept it, only to turn it against the person using it on you. You can do this by spotting the attacker’s weak spot and using their joke to your advantage.

For instance, if someone takes a jab at your personal life, you can use the comeback: “I am returning your nose. I found it in my business”

Eye for an eye method

“If someone burns you, you burn them back in the same method,” says the life coach, as her video proceeds to show a real example.

When a sports commentator tries to make a snarky remark about the American comedian Kevin Hart by saying: “Your body isn’t that good when you can just walk around without your shirt off,” the latter responds: “First of all, if we’re ever going to talk about bodies, I want you not to be the one to bring that conversation up.”

Francesca Tighinean is a certified psychologist, podcaster, and life coach, known for her content psychology and mental health on social media. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a Master’s in NLP (Natural Language Processing).