4 signs your friend is 'toxic' and it's time for you to move on

Friendship is a precious bond, supposed to nurture and help you grow. But friendship with the wrong person can be detrimental to your mental health if the obvious red flags go unnoticed.

We told you three major signs of narcissistic friends and how to handle them. It’s time to learn more about people who pose to be your “best friend” for self-serving reasons.

A high school girl sits alone by her locker, her head hung low in sadness, as a group of three friends in the background point at her and laugh.

5 signs your friend is ‘toxic’

It’s not uncommon for friends to have differences that cause hiccups in their relationship occasionally. But, if you feel you’re associated with a person who has significantly affected your mental health, it’s time to reevaluate the friendship with these signs.

1. They put you down often

Harmless teasing is what friends do. But, if you are friends with a person who insults you at every chance, making it a chronic habit they aren’t the right company to be with.

Friends are supposed to make you feel good about yourself and help you be a better person. If the remarks you often hear from your bestie chip away at your confidence, perhaps it’s time to move on.

2. Attention on demand

Healthy friendship survives distance, time, and silence. If a friend makes you feel guilty for not giving them enough attention, as if you owe them all your time, they are nothing but selfish.

They shouldn’t be texting and calling you all the time, worse justify their actions by saying you’re the only one to understand them.

3. They are the perpetual victim

One of the biggest red flags of a toxic friend is their tendency to make themselves the perpetual victim. If they put their needs before yours and play the victim to have you at their beck and call, cut your ties with them immediately.

4. They push your boundaries

A true friend knows to take a no for an answer. If your buddy pushes you to have an extra drink despite refusing once, they are violating your boundaries without the slightest guilt.

They might convince you that having one more drink is “cool” and wouldn’t hurt, but you must realize it’s against your will. This applies to any situation.

The above advice is offered by Choosing Therapy on their YouTube channel. The blog is dedicated to offering the best evidence-based mental health articles on the web, curated by certified mental health professionals.