Meghan Markle was 'squirming in her seat' when singer called her a diva - 'That's not true'

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, has divided public opinion, that’s no secret. In a podcast episode from her Archetypes series back when it aired on Spotify, Maria Carey referred to her as a ‘Diva’ and it had her squirming in her seat.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have really become the ‘marmite’ of The Firm. While many people support their decision to abstain from royal duties, other fan perceive Markle as the root of the fallout. Leaving the ‘spotlight’ hasn’t slowed down the media coverage of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and it hasn’t increased Markle’s popularity with the public either. A recent ‘snub’ from the Queen of pop herself, Taylor Swift, may have Meghan more worried than ever about the rest of Hollywood’s opinions. In an episode from Meghan’s podcast, Archetypes, she interviewed music sensation Mariah Carey, but she referred to Markle as a ‘diva’.

Mariah Carey says the Duchess had her own ‘diva moments’

Photo by Amy Sussman/FilmMagic

The 42-year-old, even through her time as a royal, has never shied away from her feminist values. Whether it’s fighting sexism in commercials at the age of 11, mentoring the next generation, or using her platform to urge others to listen to female voices, she has become a ‘trailblazer’ of modern feminism.

Her podcast Archetypes, debuting on Spotify in August 2022, featured Meghan and guests examining the stereotypes and labels faced by women.

In an episode of Archetypes titled ‘The Duality of Diva’, Meghan talks to the pop superstar Mariah Carey about the complexities surrounding the word ‘diva’.

The Oxford Dictionary cites the word diva to mean: “A self-important person who is temperamental and difficult to please.” Yet it is often used to describe women who are glamorous, powerful and elegant, and freely speak their mind.

During the episode, Carey told the Duchess, “You give us diva moments sometimes, Meghan. Don’t even act like …” with the shocked former Suits actress laughing in surprise and responding “What kind of diva moments do I give you?”

Carey embodies the word diva and finds it empowering

Maybe due to the palpable tension in the air, the 55-year-old singer followed up the podcast with a tweet clarifying that she only used the term ‘diva’ in the most positive sense.

She tweeted: “Really enjoyed talking to Duchess and Diva Meghan Markle about “The Duality of Diva.” Yes! I called her a diva, in the most fabulous, gorgeous, and empowering meaning of the word!!! #Archetypes.”

The We Belong Together singer has often been dubbed a diva herself. In a personal interview by the Guardian in 2020, she described her feelings to being called the D-word.

Carey responded, “No! Who the f*** cares?” laughing. “Honestly! ‘Oh my God, they’re calling me a diva – I think I’m going to cry!’ You think in the grand scheme of things in my life that really matters to me, being called a diva? I am, b*****s, that’s right!”

Mariah’s comment has Meghan ‘sweating and squirming in her seat’

Speaking at the end of the podcast, Meghan clarifies her feelings on the D-drop.

She admitted: “It was all going swimmingly, I mean really well, until that moment happened, which I don’t know about you, but it stopped me in my tracks when she called me a diva.”

“You couldn’t see me, obviously, but I started to sweat a little bit. I started squirming in my chair in this quiet revolt. Like wait. What? No. What? How could you? That’s not true. Why would you say that? My mind genuinely was just spinning with what nonsense she must have read or clicked on to make her say that.” Meghan adds.

Markle said that Mariah was quick to reassure her that diva meant “chic” and “aspirational” clarifying, “She must have felt my nervous laughter, and you all would have heard it too, and she jumped right in to make sure I was crystal clear. When she said diva, she was talking about the way that I dress, the posture of a clothing, a quote unquote fatuousness as she sees it.”

“She meant diva as a compliment. I heard it as a dig. Heard it as the word diva as I think of it, but in that moment, as she explained to me, she meant it as chic, as aspirational.”

Divas or not, it appears it is still all love between these two feminist icons.

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