‘Special’ African talent urged to move amid claims Rangers are leading pack for his signature

Nils Koppen is getting ready to raid Africa as Rangers rebuild under the Belgian.

The ex-PSV recruitment boss has been mandated to revamp the Rangers player trading model and it all centres around emerging players from emerging markets.

This includes South America, Scandinavia and different regions of Africa with boundless talent available if the Ibrox side can get their scouting right.

Hamza Igamane looks destined to become Koppen’s first recruit from north Africa with the Moroccan striker set to sign a £1.7m deal from FAR Rabat.

But there’s another talent on the other side of the continent who is the subject of much debate amid extensive transfer links to Rangers.

Photo by PHILL MAGAKOE/AFP via Getty Images

Mofokeng ‘should leave’ South Africa

Whilst the Relebohile Mofokeng links have gone a little quiet in recent weeks, Rangers are never far away from being mentioned alongside the Orlando Pirates teenager.

Bursting onto the scene in South Africa this season, the 19-year-old is considered the next big thing coming out of the country.

Earning his first Bafana Bafana cap after a stunning last minute Cup Final winner at the end of the season, Mofokeng approaches a crossroads.

With the likes of South Africa boss Hugo Broos begging him to stay in his home country for another year, there are plenty of others who’re urging a move.

And that includes one of Relebohile Mofokeng’s first coaches when he was a kid.

Mxolisi Silango worked with the young midfielder-turned-winger at South Africa’s School of Excellence Academy and reckons the youngster is ready to move on to bigger and better things.

Urging the player to ignore advice to the contrary, Rangers fans might be hoping Mofokeng listens to his first ever coach rather than his latest one.

“If a person is ready, like Rele [Relebohile Mofokeng], you should give the boy a chance,” Silango told FARPost. “You can see he’s almost there; you can see he’s coming, alright.

“I don’t think it’s okay when we say he needs another season in the PSL. If the opportunity comes, he should just leave the country and make a mark somewhere else.

“It will be a good export for the country; the boy is still young. He’s a talented player, he’s a special player, and he’s at the stage where he wants to prove a point. I believe he’s ready.

“If he gets an opportunity overseas, I hope he joins a team where he will have game time and will grow to the next level as a player.”

Rangers still in transfer hunt

It’s a big show of support from Silango and Rangers will take note the clash of opinions when it comes to the kid.

Having spent time on trial with Wolves last season, Rangers were said to be leading the pack to sign Mofokeng at the beginning of the summer.

With the South African season now officially over and the players enjoying some downtime, we don’t suspect the future of Relebohile to be sorted for another few weeks yet.

Rangers fans might be eager to find out who will be joining the club this season but with the European Championships and Copa America ongoing there has been something of a transfer lull.

Throw into the mix that post-season rest period for players and we’re looking at next week until the gears of the global transfer machine start to turn.

Whether they move Relebohile Mofokeng in the direction of Rangers remains to be seen but as things stand, the Ibrox side are still very much in the hunt.