The harmful foods you need to keep your dog away from this summer

Summer is a popular season for eating out and entertaining at home, but it’s important to think about your dog during those sunny barbecues and seaside picnics.

Loads of common summer foods can be extremely harmful to your furry friend, and these are some of the ones you need to stop your pet from ingesting.

Young Asian father eating snacks with his daughter and their dog while sitting on picnic blanket in the park on a sunny day. Healthy family lifesty…

6 summer foods harmful to your dog

Vet Dr. Emma Scales-Theobald has shared six summer foods that you should never give to your dog.

1. Ice cream

Many enjoy treating their pet to an ice cream during the warmer months, but the frozen snack can be highly toxic.

“Ice cream made for people may contain sweetener xylitol, which is toxic to dogs,” the vet said, adding that it can also cause a stomach upset in dogs that are lactose intolerant.

If you want to share an ice cream with your pooch, it’s best to opt for one of the many dog-friendly ice creams which are now on the market.

2. Avocado and guacamole

Another popular summer food that’s not safe for your dog to consume is avocado, commonly used to make guacamole.

“Avocados contain persin, which can cause severe vomiting and diarrhoea in your dog. The avocado pit can also be a choking hazard,” Dr. Scales-Theobald explained.

Some dog-friendly alternatives include apples, bananas, strawberries, oranges, blueberries, carrots and bell peppers.

3. Chives, garlic and onion

Chives, garlic and onion are commonly used to season barbecue food, like burgers and kebabs, but they aren’t safe for dogs either.

The vet explained that these foods are part of the Allum family which is poisonous for dogs because they contain toxins called organosulfides.

These natural compounds protect the plant from insects and pests and can harm your dog’s red blood cells.

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4. Cherries, peaches and plums

There’s nothing better than a juicy piece of fruit on a summer day, but cherries, peaches and plums are poisonous for dogs.

These fruits contain a toxin called cyanide, which is extremely toxic to your furry friend and stops oxygen in the blood from being released to the cells.

Cyanide toxicity can be deadly in just a few minutes, and symptoms include salivation, rapid or difficulty breathing, and paralysis, PetMD explains.

Speaking of summer, this clever ice water bowl hack will keep your dog cool during the warmer months.

5. Raw potatoes

Potatoes are another staple summer food, but you need to be wary when preparing fries and potato salads.

Cooked potatoes are usually safe for dogs, but when raw, they contain a substance called solanine which is toxic.

Symptoms of solanine intoxication can include vomiting, diarrhoea and lethargy, Purina reveals.

6. Cooked bones

It might be tempting to give your dog the bone from your barbecued chicken drumstick, but it’s important not to.

“Watch your dog doesn’t get hold of any cooked bones because these can splinter and cause internal injury,” the vet said.

Raw bones are usually safe as they don’t splinter as easily, but it’s still important to watch your pet while eating them.

If you are concerned that your dog has eaten something it shouldn’t, contact your vet immediately for further advice.

This expertise was provided by Canine Behaviour and Nutrition Consultant Dr Emma Scales-Theobald in collaboration with dog-friendly letting agents Canine Cottages. She holds a PhD in Veterinary Medicine and Science from the University of Surrey, as well as an MSc in Animal Behaviour from the University of Exeter.