'Special': Joe Hart shares what his ‘unbelievable’ Celtic teammates did for him on Trophy Day

The retirement of Joe Hart has not only hit the Celtic fans really hard, but it also hit his teammates as well.

The emotional scenes after the Scottish Cup final win were eclipsed by what we witnessed on Trophy Day as the Celtic fans unfurled that incredible tifo in honour of their departing hero,

Now working as a pundit, Hart has been at pains to share the incredible bond he has with the Hoops support and here, the former Celtic hero explains what his teammates did for him on Trophy Day and how it blew him away.

Hart hails ‘special’ Celtic teammate moment

The former England international is one who always wears his heart on his sleeve. Not afraid to show emotion, Hart was visibly moved by what the Celtic fans did for him.

And Hart shares the support he received from his Celtic teammates when he admits that Trophy Day got a little bit too much for him.

Hart said [The High Performance Podcast], “The atmosphere was unbelievable. And then we had a home game to celebrate winning the league, to which it was almost, it was like the kind of Joe Hart day, which made me uncomfortable.

“My teammates were unbelievable with me, like so good with me.

“And it was getting a bit much for me. And they were, and obviously I’m always gonna stand there and say thank you when people are being nice to me, you know? And they just sat back and let me be me.

“And then we had a special last day of the season with a lot of fuss made, I’m not comfortable talking about it in a positive way. Really, really nice day.

“And then we had a cup final against our greatest rivals.

“And we win in the 90th minute, 50-50 split at Hampden… what can you say?”

Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images

Hart has enjoyed many special moments in front of the fans over his three seasons at the club and I don’t know about you, but I love hearing about how the players interact in the dressing room and share the bonds that they have.

It shows a real sense of cohesion and closeness between the players as they have all clearly bonded behind the scenes.

The difficulty now, of course, is finding a character of the ilk of Hart to fill that void and hopefully Brendan Rodgers is close to unveiling the man he believes can fill those huge gloves.