Defense Intelligence of Ukraine hackers disable cash registers and stop traffic on Kerch Bridge in Crimea

Illustrative photo: Defense Intelligence of Ukraine attacked cash registers and stopped traffic on the Kerch Bridge in Crimea (Getty Images)

In temporarily occupied Crimea, Defense Intelligence of Ukraine hackers attacked the servers of propaganda media, telecom operators, and the Kerch Bridge traffic registration and control system, according to sources in Defense Intelligence.

According to RBC-Ukraine's sources, after the June 26 attack on the infrastructure of Crimean Internet providers, cyber specialists of the military intelligence have been targeting the servers of propaganda media, telecommunications operators, and the traffic registration and control system on the Kerch Bridge.

Additionally, mass phishing attacks are being carried out on local internet users, causing disruptions in accounting services. Cash registers in stores in Kerch and Sevastopol are not functioning.

Specifically, a massive DDoS attack is being carried out on the website of the propaganda outlet Kerch FM and the servers of the mobile operator Miranda-Media. This operator provides backbone communication channels for the call center of the occupation administration in Sevastopol, causing the main contact center number to stop working.

Furthermore, due to the attack on the registration and traffic control system, a large queue of vehicles has formed, waiting to cross the Kerch Bridge. Within an hour, the traffic jam increased sixfold, with around three hundred cars in line by the morning.

Yesterday, major Crimean internet providers suffered a powerful cyberattack by military intelligence specialists.

Yesterday, several large internet providers in the temporarily occupied Crimea came under a massive cyberattack. Later, RBC-Ukraine reported that these attacks were carried out by Ukrainian military intelligence cyber specialists.