King Charles’ staff member ditched royal golden rule when he broke his arm

A former Palace press secretary, Dickie Arbiter, has shared the time he broke the Royal Rule the day King Charles broke his arm.

The royal family and the press share a very intimate and complicated relationship. This is why the Royals have a team of people who are responsible for managing press releases and coverage. Since King Charles has taken the throne it seems his popularity, along with other family members, has continued to grow with the British public. The King, 75, has been in the public eye for much longer than his coronation two years ago. To keep the family safe, there are ‘Golden rules’ their team need to follow, but one of them was broken the day King Charles broke his arm.

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Royal correspondent shares the time he broke ‘the golden rule’

Dickie Arbiter, 83, is a former Palace press secretary, he worked for the royals for 12 years until 2000. In his reign he has served the late Queen, then Prince Charles, and Princess Diana.

He has opened up to the Telegraph about the rules he followed when managing the press frenzy that follows Britain’s most famous family.

“My mantra was never say no comment because there was always something to say, it just might not be the answer that journalists wanted. I was honest and never ignored calls,” Arbiter told the Telegraph.

The renowned royal commentator adds that “the only protocol” was that he was “never” supposed to go in front of the camera.

However, it seems in times of crisis even the most golden of rules can be broken.

Arbiter continues to share, “I did break this golden rule when Prince Charles broke his arm playing polo and there was a media frenzy outside Cirencester Cottage Hospital. Charles thanked me afterwards for being upfront.”

Not the only time ‘Royal rules’ have been broken

Another one of the ‘royal rules’ that the family must stick to is not writing their name down for anyone in the public, even a sweet child. Though the act of signing something for a dedicated royalist seems harmless enough, the reason is believed to be due to “the risk of the signature being forged”.

However, when visiting Newquay it was the lesser rebellious Prince William that couldn’t say no to a sweet young boy who wanted his cast signed. The boy, whose name is Phoenix, is said to have broken his arm falling off a swing, BBC reports. “‘You need to be careful. Next time, hang on properly,” William said to him.

Prince William is just following in his father’s footsteps, it seems. In 2010, the monarch was asked to sign an autograph for one of the victims of the Cornwall floods, and he willingly obliged.

The younger Prince Harry, is also happy to break a few rules, especially when it comes to the love of his life Meghan Markle. During the early stages of their relationship, the media hounded the pair, in which Harry said a “line had been crossed” when it came to the attention over Meghan.

Angela Levin detailed the response of Prince Harry’s statement. Levin wrote: “One royal aide said it was ‘unprecedented for a royal prince to issue such a forthright official statement naming the new love of his life’.

Harry stands by his press release though, stating, “This is not a game – it is her life and his.”

What a bunch of Royal-rule-breakers, seems the only member of the family we can still trust to stick to the rules is Kate Middleton.

The post King Charles’ staff member ditched royal golden rule when he broke his arm appeared first on Celebrity Tidbit.