'DE-LAY': Legal analysts see latest move by Judge Cannon as another holdup in Trump case

Jack Smith, Donald Trump (Smith photo via Saul Loeb for AFP, Trump photo via AFP)

Judge Aileen Cannon still wants to hear more from Donald Trump's lawyers and the special counsel, she said in a new filing.

Despite months of arguments and delays, Cannon told the teams she wanted to hear more about their complaints about the gag order.

The Justice Department asked for a gag order after Trump lied about the search warrant in the documents case, saying that President Joe Biden wanted to assassinate him. The language misquoted by Trump's lawyers in a court filing and Trump's subsequent online rant promoted the special counsel to ask for an additional gag order to protect law enforcement involved in the case.

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Read Also: Judge Cannon may be removed 'if she continues to make questionable rulings': former prosecutor

The gag order is limited, but prosecutors argue that it is important to prevent against a possible "violent act." In the past several years, supporters of Trump have attacked law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges that they deem an opposition to the ex-president.

Trump's lawyer argued that gagging the GOP contender is just another attempt to silence him.

Seeing that Cannon wanted to hear more on the matter, legal analysts agreed it was an absurd judicial request.

Andrew Weissmann, former top prosecutor to special counsel Robert Mueller, called the decision a "DE-LAY" in an X post.

National security lawyer Bradley P. Moss agreed, chanting "delay, delay, delay, delay."

Lawrey David Laurie called Cannon "a parody of how actual courts work."

"Before that she wants to have a hearing on the origin of gag orders and what they mean," joked The Keystone Take on X.

"A July 5 deadline of what year?" asked Ira Goldman.

"That's after Smith's office submitted dozens of examples of how Trump's rhetoric could endanger the lives of law enforcement," pointed out management consultant Brian Pia.

Cannon wants the next set of arguments by July 5.

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