Reader’s letter: Follow the climate evidence

There were two recent letters in the Advertiser with the titles Foolish To Ignore The Advice Of Climate Experts and Madness To Ignore Evidence. Both statements may be true. However, surely, the academic status of such ‘climate experts’ and the scientific basis of that ‘evidence’ must be relevant to any conclusions reached.

One of the major authorities in real climate science is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

It is a US scientific and regulatory agency and is charged with forecasting global weather and monitoring global oceanic and atmospheric conditions.


NOAA was formed in 1970 and employs about 12,000 people. It is a significant ‘voice’ in the climate debate.

The latest NOAA Global Land average temperature anomaly data continues to confirm that Earth’s 8-plus billion people (that reside on land) have experienced declining global average temperature anomaly outcomes since the February 2016 El Nino peak value (that occurred over eight years ago) indicating that humanity is not in a climate crisis.

I, for one, think that it might be wise at least to consider their scientific advice before predicting catastrophe! — ROBERT SHEPPARD, Beckingham.