'Out of nowhere': Jamie Carragher says Rafa Benitez once made a 'panic buy' that FSG would not allow today

Liverpool’s owners are set for a big summer after losing Jurgen Klopp as manager.

FSG have been safe in the knowledge that they could rely on the brilliance of Klopp over the past nine years.

While the owners generally do things the right way and have the club’s best interests at heart, they knew they could rely on the German to amplify that on the pitch.

With Arne Slot coming in, there’s renewed uncertainty over whether that on-field success will continue. Away from the day-to-day running of the Liverpool squad though, FSG have also made some big decisions on the admin side of things.

How fast Richard Hughes, Michael Edwards and co hit the ground running will determine how successful next season and beyond is.

Photo credit should read PAUL ELLIS/AFP via Getty Images

Jamie Carragher slams Alberto Aquilani signing

Despite their tendency to make brilliant appointments and methodical decisions, FSG do come in for a lot of criticism from Liverpool fans.

Most of that is to do with disappointment over a perceived lack of spending in the transfer market. Plenty of fans would like to see more investment when the window opens.

However, according to Liverpool legend Jamie Carragher, the approach of the Reds’ owners should be commended.

Speaking on the BOSS Podcast, Carragher was asked about the failed signing of Italian midfielder Alberto Aquilani in 2009. According to the 46-year-old, that kind of ‘panic buy’ would never be allowed to happen at Anfield today.

“He [Alberto Aquilani] didn’t train, he was always injured!” laughed Carragher.

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“But when people say about Liverpool now and have a go at FSG and I always defend them, people think I’ve got some link with the club, I don’t get paid by the club, I pay for my own season ticket!” adds the former centre-back. “But I’m not going to criticise someone who’s come in and done a great job.

“That type of transfer [Aquilani] now would never be allowed to happen at our club. Because the people above them would just go ‘what? he’s been injured for three months already, he’s only played that many games in his career.’

“We bought him injured, you’re losing [Xabi] Alonso and you’re buying a player who’s injured. That was just a panic buy out of nowhere.

“You look at certain transfers and that was one of them that would not be allowed to happen now.”

How bad was Alberto Aquilani at Liverpool?

This is a really interesting chat with Carragher where he goes into detail about Xabi Alonso’s move away from Liverpool 15 years ago.

When Alonso left, supporters were obviously gutted. The Spaniard had been a huge player for the Reds and was loved across the board.

The previous summer had seen Rafa Benitez attempt to replace Alonso with Gareth Barry. With Aston Villa unwilling to sell Barry though, Liverpool had to look elsewhere.

On paper, Aquilani was an exciting signing. As Carragher says, he was injured for much of the season before signing for Liverpool, but he was an Italian international with some pedigree.

However, Aquilani just couldn’t get going. Being injured upon arrival certainly didn’t help and he only managed 28 appearances in one-and-a-bit seasons at Anfield.

Alonso he certainly was not and Aquilani was sold to AC Milan after two years out on-loan back in Italy in 2012. Carragher is right, FSG would not allow that today.