Denny Hamlin raises questions after NASCAR reportedly makes changes to playoff tracks

Eric Canha-USA TODAY Sports

Jordan Bianchi of The Athletic reported on “The Teardown” earlier this week that three racetracks are tentatively planned to come out of the playoff schedule next year.

Those expected to be removed are Atlanta (already announced), Watkins Glen and Homestead-Miami. Darlington, New Hampshire and perhaps Gateway are the tracks scheduled to be part of the playoff schedule.

Denny Hamlin offered his thoughts on the revised playoff schedule during his “Actions Detrimental” podcast this week and was particularly curious of Gateway’s inclusion. Gateway is notably independently owned and not owned by Speedway Motorsports or NASCAR itself, which begs the question: Why would NASCAR remove one of its tracks from the playoff schedule? As a team owner, that’s all that comes to mind for Hamlin.

“Interesting,” Hamlin said. “Gateway, that’s still an independently owned track is it not? It’s interesting they would put an independently owned track in the playoffs. I know it’s not unprecedented, we used to run Dover when it was independent, but it makes me wonder is NASCAR about to buy St. Louis? Like, I just, because name the tracks that are coming out… Atlanta, SMI. [Watkins Glen], NASCAR. [Homestead], NASCAR. [Moving back in] [Darlington], NASCAR. [New Hampshire], SMI. [Gateway], perhaps NASCAR.

“So, I’m just doing the math and I’m like NASCAR is willing to take a date from itself? People look at the tracks and that’s the easy knee-jerk reaction is let’s just talk about the tracks. I more look at the business and hmmm, they’re gonna take a date from themselves and give it to an independent track? Look for some paperwork to be filed.”

Denny Hamlin gives thoughts on Phoenix hosting NASCAR season finale

Phoenix will host the season finale in 2025 its sixth straight season of doing so. Prior to Phoenix, the final race of the season took place at Homestead-Miami from 2002-2019.

Hamlin said he suspects Phoenix pays NASCAR to host the season finale, thus why Homestead-Miami has been shut out in recent years.

“Well apparently, I mean the team owners are not privy to this information, but Phoenix pays NASCAR,” Hamlin said. “The city, the state or somebody pays NASCAR for the final race to be there. We don’t see any of that money, but they do. And apparently, Homestead was scrounging up some change to throw their name in the hat to be back part of championship weekend. So, if you’re wondering why Phoenix always keeps getting these dates, I think it’s because there’s money being exchanged.”

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