A 'Confused Trump' mispronounces 'moderators' while insulting Biden's debate performance

Screengrab / Real America's Voice

High off his performance during Thursday's debate in Atlanta where Donald Trump challenged a visibly weary President Joe Biden, Trump struggled early on to recap the event.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee misstated the word "moderators" in CNN's Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.

"He got the network that he wanted with the moderates he wanted," he said to a crowd assembled on Friday in Chesapeake, Virginia.

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Since 2004, when Virginians voted for George W. Bush, they haven't elected a Republican since.

The president took a shot at Biden who had been holed up at Camp David for days prepping for their rematch.

"He studied so hard he didn't know what he was doing," Trump said to roaring laughter.

And the 45th president also appeared to be preparing the ticker tape parades come Nov. 5, by warning foreign countries about his return to the White House before a vote has been cast.

He stated that countries like Russia, North Korea, and China better "not mess with us" during "five month transition period," adding, "I want the enemies to know: don't play around with us. Don't play around!'"

The crowd erupted in applause.

The general election is just over four months away.

Biden came out on Friday taking responsibility for not putting his best foot forward on Thursday night.

The shaky effort has thrown the Democratic Party into full-blown panic mode with many seeking for him to bow out of the race.

Before an audience in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Friday, Biden admitted: "I don't debate as well as I used to."

"I don't walk as easy as I used to," he said. "I don't speak as well as I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to, but I know what I do well: I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong and I know how to do this job. And I know how to get things done."

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