Anaesthetist from Cotgrave jailed over child and adult sexual abuse at King’s Mill Hospital and Derby Royal Infirmary

An anaesthetist has been locked up after pleading guilty to child and adult sexual offences.

Dr Edward Finn admitted one count of sexual assault of a child aged under 13 by touching, three counts of making indecent photographs of children, three counts of taking indecent photographs of children, and two counts of voyeurism.

The 36-year-old, who committed the offences on various dates between July 2015 and November 2023, appeared at Nottingham Crown Court for sentencing on Friday (June 28).

Edward Finn has been jailed.

He was given a 12-year extended sentence — made up of eight years' custody and a four-year extension.

Finn must also sign the Sex Offenders' Register indefinitely, and was made subject of an indefinite sexual harm prevention order and restraining order.

The court heard Finn, formerly of Hollygate Lane, Cotgrave, took indecent photographs of a child patient at the King’s Mill Hospital in Sutton-in-Ashfield, who he also touched sexually, on April 11, 2019.

Finn also took photographs of a naked child known to him. This child wasn't a patient.

One of his voyeurism charges related to an unknown woman patient at the Derby Royal Infirmary, on July 1, 2015, when unbeknown to the victim he recorded images beneath her clothing without her consent.

The other voyeurism charge related to an adult known to him, who wasn’t a patient.

When detectives examined Finn's digital devices, they found thousands of indecent images.

Finn made 179 ‘category A’ images — the most severe classification of indecent images of children.

He made a further 268 ‘category B’ and 3,461 ‘category C’ images which were also found on his devices.

Detective Constable Sarah Clarke, from Nottinghamshire Police’s public protection unit, said: “I would firstly like to thank all of the victims for their immense bravery in coming forward and the dignity and strength they have shown throughout the entire investigation.

“It’s clear Finn could not stop committing sexual offences involving adults and children and had demonstrated a high degree of sexual interest in children over a long period of time.

“I hope today’s sentence brings some comfort to his victims and I hope our extensive work in this case gives people confidence that Nottinghamshire Police will always listen to victims, treat them with respect, and investigate reports thoroughly — regardless of who the alleged perpetrator is.”

Judge Michael Auty KC praised DC Clarke for what was “a thorough, dignified, and sensitively conducted investigation”.

Detective Chief Inspector Paul Lefford, Nottinghamshire Police’s children’s public protection lead, added: “I have no doubt this case will be alarming for the public to hear.

“We have worked closely with NHS organisations and conducted a protracted and thorough investigation into the offences committed by Finn.

“We are satisfied there is no further evidence of any wider offending and do not currently believe there are any other victims in this case.

"However, if anyone feels they are a victim of crime we would urge them to report it to us by calling 101. Alternatively, they can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”