4-step massage for 'naturally plump lips' at home, says Face Yoga expert

Plump lips don’t seem to go out of style. They were a thing in the past, still are in the present, and perhaps will be a topic of obsession in the future too. What if we said you could naturally achieve them at home in four simple steps?

Unlike the3-step anti-aging procedure that’s painful yet effective, face yoga teaches you methods to improve your appearance naturally. Plump and luscious lips are one of them.


Face yoga to naturally get ‘plump lips’

The following massage technique is demonstrated by Anastasia, a Face Yoga expert and founder of All You Can Face. She explains in her TikTok video that the orbicularis oris muscle around your lips becomes tense over time, causing your “lips to become thinner.”

The massage technique she demonstrates supposedly helps relax the muscles and make your lips look plump.

  • Massage and knead through your entire mouth area. To do this, hold your lips between your index finger and the thumb and gently press a few times. “Especially get into the side of your lips,” she says.
  • Do tongue circles to strengthen the mouth area. Rotate your tongue inside your mouth while keeping your lips shut. Focus on the muscles around your lips.
  • The face yoga expert swears by the third step as a “great exercise for plump lips” and you do it by locking your lips with your two fingers and kissing against the resistance. Watch the below video to know how it’s done.
  • The fourth step involves gentle lip contour pinches to increase blood circulation and “plump your lips naturally.”

At the end of the massage, cover your lips with your teeth and press them against each other. Don’t exert too much pressure as it can tear the skin. Hold this position for a minute.

Your tongue placement is important too

For the unversed, the placement of your tongue determines the shape of your face and overall posture – there’s a right way to always rest your tongue.

Resting your tongue in the right position is important to support the airway and let oxygen get to your lungs. The tongue is connected to the postural structure.

The tongue forms the foundation support for your overall posture. Not maintaining the right tongue posture for a prolonged period can change the structure of your face and contribute to pain in the neck and shoulder regions.

The correlation between tongue placement and the body system is shown in a study at the National Library of Medicine, which notes that the tongue’s action is “not confined to the oral cavity, but it affects lower limb muscle strength and posture.”

Step-by-step guide to the right tongue placement:

  • Place your tongue flat up against the roof of your mouth and seal your lips, meaning, keep your lips together when you aren’t eating or speaking.
  • Next, swallow while retaining the above position without clenching your teeth.
  • Repeat the above steps whenever you find your tongue resting at the bottom of the mouth.