Summer Is The Perfect Time To Cruise The Danube

Songs have been written about it, and every country it flows through, including Serbia, can boast of having a flowing treasure. If you haven’t guessed yet, it is the Danube. Whether it’s the band Ju grupa singing about it (“Dunave”) or Johann Strauss composing a waltz for it (“The Blue Danube”), summer offers the perfect opportunity to cruise the Danube in Serbia or beyond, and enjoy the unique beauty of this mighty river.

International Danube Day

To truly enjoy cruising the Danube, we must also ensure its protection. That is why on June 29th, 14 European countries celebrate Danube Day with a clear goal: raising awareness about the river’s conservation. The mere fact that 80 million people live beside the rivers of the Danube basin is reason enough for us in Serbia to strive to keep it as clean as possible. The Danube’s immense value is undeniable.

Spanning an impressive 2,888 kilometers, the Danube River acts as a vital link between Western and Eastern Europe. A significant portion, 588 kilometers, flows through Serbia, enriching its landscape. The river receives waters from tributaries like the Sava, Tamiš, Timok, Morava, and Tisa. Serbia boasts numerous protected natural treasures along the Danube’s banks, including the Deliblato Sands, the Djerdap Gorge with its grand canyon, and Titel Hill.

The Danube – A Witness to Serbia’s Turbulent History

The Danube River is a significant part of Serbia’s history. The famous fortresses that stand along its banks tell stories of the country’s past. From Petrovaradin Fortress to Kalemegdan, Vinča, Smederevo, and the Golubac Fortress, each offers a glimpse into a different era.

The Danube is Widest at Golubac

Near Golubac, the Danube River reaches its impressive width of six kilometers, resembling a vast sea on the Serbian-Romanian border. This area holds a significant piece of European history – the archaeological site of Lepenski Vir. Unearthed here is the continent’s oldest known sedentary settlement. Intriguingly, archaeologists discovered that the inhabitants of Lepenski Vir possessed remarkably strong bones and healthy teeth. This is attributed to a diet rich in fish, fruits, and vegetables, likely aided by the Danube’s fertile lands and mild climate.

Four Capitals Starting with ‘B’

The Danube River boasts a wealth of fascinating features. Perhaps surprisingly, four European capitals grace its banks: Vienna (Beč in Serbian), Belgrade (Serbia), Budapest (Hungary), and Bratislava (Slovakia). The Danube is deepest at the Iron Gates, reaching up to 90 meters, and the view from a ship cruising through this area is something that must be experienced at least once in a lifetime.

A Memorable Cruise

The Danube River offers an unforgettable cruise experience, brimming with myths, legends, history, and breathtaking natural beauty. Embark on an international journey and delve into this rich tapestry. Safety, of course, remains a top priority when navigating such a majestic river.

For anyone who has not yet enjoyed the charms of the beautiful Danube, this summer is the perfect moment for a safe and magical adventure with a good wind and full sails. The Danube’s vastness is awe-inspiring. It originates in the Black Forest, traverses ten countries, and culminates at the Black Sea.

Undertaking such a journey may require additional travel insurance for peace of mind. If your cruise extends beyond Serbia’s borders, consider securing travel insurance with Dunav Insurance Company.

Let the adventure begin!