March Town Cricket Club 1st XI face the camera

March Town Cricket Club have faced the camera to show off their 2024 squad and main sponsor.

March, who are sponsored by Mayflower Financial Planning of the High Street, play in the Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire Premier League Division Two, currently sitting in eighth place.

They also have a second and third XI in the league.

March Town Cricket Club's first XI face the camera, from left (back) chairman and scorer Ian Liversedge, Sam Clarke, Toby Nulty, captain Callum Young, Ashlie Barnard of main club sponsor Mayflower Financial Planning, Lewis Welcher, Ben Pyle and club secretary and umpire Les Mills, (front) Kai Pooley, Tommy Howgego, Brandon Phillips, Josh Fisher, Adam Conyard and James Hilliard.
March Town Cricket Club's first XI face the camera, from left (back) Ian Liversedge (scorer), Kai Pooley, Toby Nulty, Sam Clarke, Lewis Welcher, Ben Pyle and Les Mills (umpire), (front) Tommy Howgego, Brandon Phillips, captain Callum Young, Josh Fisher, Adam Conyard and James Hilliard
March Town Cricket Club chairman and scorer Ian Liversedge with Ashlie Barnard of main club sponsor Mayflower Financial Planning and club secretary and umpire Les Mills

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