Sudbury schoolboy Blayne praised by Hartest Primary after saving his younger friend

A Suffolk schoolboy who grabbed a two-year-old and rolled him out of harm’s way has been called a hero by his teachers.

Blayne Harrington, nine, who is in Year 4 at Hartest CE Primary, had enjoyed a day at Blaxhall Motocross Track on Sunday and had been playing football with his two-year-old friend as people began to pack away.

As the boys were playing, a transit van began reversing without realising the younger boy was behind it - running for the ball.

Blayne Harrington has been praised by Hartest CE Primary School. Picture: Submitted

Spotting the danger, Blayne, of Sudbury, quickly grabbed his friend, without a thought for his own safety, grabbing him and rolling him out of harm’s way.

In a social media post, entitled ‘Hero Alert’, the school said: “We are immensely proud to announce that we have a hero in our midst.”

Blayne’s mum Nic Croucher, 42, said her son has been given lots of praise for what he did by his family and the family of the friend that he saved.

Miss Croucher said her son didn’t seem phased by what happened and felt a little bit shy about being called a hero.

She said the whole family including Blayne’s two older brothers and his sister, felt really proud and were amazed by what he had done.