Halo Infinite rumoured to have Battle Royale mode

'Halo Infinite' is rumoured to have a Battle Royale mode.

Dataminers have stumbled upon a piece of audio from an announcer who uses the words ‘Battle Royale’, which was shared to the video gaming forum site ResetEra.

However, it's to be taken with a pinch of salt, as the title's community director previously denied such rumours in the past labelling the idea “unfounded”.

It had been claimed that the game would unfold in four parts between 2021 and 2031, with a Battle Royale mode slated for 2021.

But Brian Jarrad, tweeted in 2020: “Nothing gets a post-holiday Monday going like fresh unfounded Halo Infinite rumors. (sic)"

He added that 343 Industries were “aware we could help solve this with real news”, before adding that they were “in the process of pulling together a year-end update”.

In June, it was claimed that they hadn't set a date for release yet because they're "waiting for other games".

Microsoft’s head of gaming Phil Spencer confirmed the game - which was originally expected to be released in 2020 but was delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic - will be released sometime over the festive period this year but he is looking at a "three-to-four-week range" because of other game releases.

He said: "For us, we know kind of our range in the three-to-four-week range. We don’t have yet the exact day, there’s some other things with some other game timing that we’re trying to look at. We’ll have better clarity over the summer, but this isn’t a months thing, this is just down to a few weeks, and so instead of picking this date and having to move it by a week, which at this point would feel like a fail, we don’t want to do that, let’s wait until we’re really solid on what the date is."

And Spencer insisted the team are "very committed" to releasing the game by the end of the year.

He added: "But the team’s very committed to holiday, we feel good about that, and the way that Pierre [Hintze] and Joseph [Staten] are running the team.

"I feel good about the confidence we have in both quality and getting the game done ... I think 2022 is going to be a pretty amazing year because you’ve just got a lot of stuff that was supposed to be in 2021 that has ended up in 2022."

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