Apple allows apps to include sign-up links

Apple will allow certain apps to include a sign-up link.

The tech giant has announced it will allow “reader apps” to link to a website where users can sign up and manage new and existing accounts from early 2022.

At present, app developers are required to use Apple's in-app purchase systems, and cannot usually point users to buying content elsewhere.

This means some apps only work if you already have a subscription obtained elsewhere, and do not offer in-app links to websites where you could sign up.

But from next year, apps like Netflix and Spotify will be able to redirect users to their own website from within their app.

Apple said the agreement "will help developers of reader apps make it easier for users to set up and manage their apps and services, while protecting their privacy and maintaining their trust".

The firm also clarified that “reader apps” would include apps providing previously purchased content or subscriptions to "digital magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music, and video".

However, the changes do not cover games.

The news comes after Apple announced it was changing its policy to allow app developers to email customers and tell them how to avoid Apple's payment systems.

Currently, the rules ban developers from mentioning that there are ways to pay that avoid Apple's 30 percent cut, even through e-mail outside the store.

And Apple said the change was a "clarification" and part of its "efforts to evolve the App Store”.

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