Hyderpora Encounter: Govt orders time-bound Magisterial inquiry

Newscraving Desk:


Government on Thursday ordered magisterial inquiry by additional district magistrate into the “encounter” at Hyderpora in which four persons were killed on Monday.

“A magisterial inquiry by officer of ADM rank has been ordered in Hyderpora encounter,” Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha said in a tweet .“Govt will take suitable action as soon as report is submitted in a time-bound manner,” he said.

Last night, several relatives of one of the “civilians” were detained as a contingent of police swooped on the protests. The relatives and civilians were demanding bodies of their kin. The police action followed after power supply to the Press Colony area was cut and in the darkness, police detained the male members while female members kept shouting for their release. The families were on a sit-in and after around 12 hours police contingent came and detained them.

Earlier prohibitory orders on assembly of people were clamped in Ramban area of Jammu after families of slain men continued with their protests for the return of bodies.