Use These 10 Tips To De-stress Yourself - Don't Let Stressful Situations Control You

It happens more than you think, other people have the same stress-induced issues. See, we tend to place ourselves in these little bubbles and we forget that just about everyone out there, is going through the same stuff just with different situations and people.

That person in front of you in line, and most likely the one behind as well, both have had times when they didn’t know how to deal with something or had a situation in their life that brought on massive amounts of stress.

We’re all the same, but we all also forget this so easily.

So here are some tips for you, or anyone, to destress in real-time so you control yourself, and you don’t let the situation and the stress control you.

First things first though, we need to understand what stress does to your body. This is how you can tell if you need to try any of the 10 tips to destress below.


4 Signs You Need To De-stress Yourself.**

1. Your breathing becomes more rapid. This is your body starting to go into its Fight or Flight mode. 2. You’ll find your heart starts to pump faster. You may feel heart palpitations, pains in your chest, or even feel flushed. 3. Increased blood pressure. You might get a headache or even feel pressure in your head. This is your body building up its adrenalin so your can fight (even verbally) or take flight and get out of the situation. 4. Feeling anxious or nervous, ‘tight’ in the body, or irritable. Cortisol starts rushing through your body and again, we get ready for the fight or flight mode to kick in.

These are kind of defense mechanisms our mind and body put in place when stress starts in our life.

How To Calm Yourself and De-Stress In A Stressful Situation

Stress comes with lots of effects that can change the way you live your life.

Early aging, illness, heart conditions, hypertension, the list goes on and on.

So how do you remove stress when possible so you don’t have to deal with the effects of stress? Well, here are 10 tips to de-stress in a stressful situation.

1. Take three breaths and let them out slowly, calm your breathing. 2. Now squeeze your hands and feet and release the squeeze slowly. this helps with releasing tensions. 3. Put the corners of your lips up and do #1 again. 4. Take a walk or exercise. Nature helps to cut stress as do animals and birds. So go ahead and hug your cat or dog they will love it and it can seriously cut stress. 5. Take an Epsom salt or sea salt bath, put some lavender oil in, and relax with deep breathing. 6. Whistles, sing, or listen to your favorite soothing music…music can change your mood almost instantly. 7. Call a friendly chat about something fun or meet them for tea. 8. Give thanks for ten things in your life. 9. Question the thoughts that are in your head. Check out Byron Katie are ‘The’ All stress other than immediate physical stress is associated with a thought that something or someone should be different. Ask is true? And Who would I be without this thought? 10. Carry soothing lavender and dab it on your wrists, it is very soothing.

Bonus Tip For Some: Take a crystal-like amethyst or one with gold in it. Become one with it and carry it with you or sit with it for half an hour or so. Crystals can be powerful catalysts in ‘stress reduction’ and ‘stress transformation.’

Some of these work for people, some don’t. But the things listed above can help with your stresses. Try them out, test them and gauge the results.

They say it takes about 28 days to build a new habit, once you figure out which f the things above work best for you, or which combination of them work for you, just keep using them in every stressful or frustrating situation, at some point it will become a habit and you’ll find you deal with stresses much better.