WordMagic.Mp3 - Intelligence For Intelligent People

WordMagic.mp3 will give you clarity about all your life goals and decisions. I’ve had my visual cortex unlocked in 2015 and my pineal gland opened at birth. I have seen both sides of the veils before and during my ascension process and can still see through majority of humanity’s lies (or really their heavily programmed mindsets). I don’t know why I have these blessings and gifts from consciousness. I figured I was just some kid from god only knows where, who would have a normal life and die and go to heaven with some children left to carry on my last words.

Another way of understanding who I am, is to learn about who is Henry Makow, or Giordano Bruno or Srinivasa Ramanujan or S-key or learning from Dean Martin or Santos Bonnaci or Kate of Gaia. These individuals were and are truthers for their own consciousness’s liberty as well as the conscoiusness of humanity.

If all of this stuff is new to you, then congraluations because you were meant to learn these things before you past away. And in truth, you never die, there is an afterlife and there are forces who are attempting to control your soul/spirit/dna/conscoisuness/mind through a very advanced solar system satellite system.

Disclaimer: I do not make any promises about anything I post because I understand that people are in/at/near/on/by different levels of their own consciousness/universe/mindset/program/dna/bloodlines; and I advise people to do their own research because if they always rely on their usual leaders/lovers/parents/children/husbands/wives/sex-partners/employers/employees/friends/girlfriends/boyfriends to direct their awareness and their decisions, then there is a wonderful chance of them finding themselves in the same situation they are seeing themselves in as they live their life on a daily basis.

Disclaimer: Do your own research about what life is about, is there is death or is it real, what happens after body death, is there a reincarnation system? Why are words implanted in the mind that seem innocent, yet, after research, it seems as though people are being mind controlled to be sent back in a life of economical servitude only to have deja vue moments and can’t explain it. These are just a very brief form of asking yourself questions. I highly recommend people read/research and listen to this mp3 entitled WordMagic so they can have a sense of clarity.

There are of course military, police, government and people way above/beyond 3d dimensional physical life on this planet that are watching/monitoring these topics because, especically the topics I post, because of my own ascension experience as well as surviving an EMP EMF veil technology direct energy weapon and being able to live through it and explain it in great clarity and detail.

Because of these experiences, there are some people in government/military/police that will experience these things that I have experienced and are learning from me because they know it is something that they performed on innocent people (as they did to me and countless millions) and the universal justice system and forces beyond the 9 planets are going to slam them like they never thought was possible. Even in submarines, this technology is able to seep into the minds of violators or in the bunkers as well as in the space stations, and sadly, most people do not survive it whatsoever.

I also recommend men/women learn all the major religions and not be glued to just Christianity or Judaism or Islam or Hindu, but to learn from them all and to understand to breatheee and focus on the breath.